Healing Prayer Ministry: Podcast between Dr. Karl Lehman, Jake Khym, and Dr. Bob Schuchts

 I just listened to a fascinating Restore the Glory podcast with Dr. Karl Lehman, Jake Khym, and Dr. Bob Schuchts.  It's right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EIJSiztrAg.  What a joy it was to listen to.  Karl's passionate heart for healing is on display as he describes experiencing seeing other people get healed by Jesus.  Karl talks about how he went through forty years in his own life without having an interactive personal encounter with Jesus, and how lifechanging it is when you are able to overcoming the blockages to connecting with Jesus.  Karl also discusses what some of those blockages can be.

Bob asks Karl a fascinating question: How can the Immanuel Approach be integrated with the moment Eucharist in a Catholic mass?  What a joyful time of interaction comes out of that question.

It always brings me great joy to see the interaction between Christian groups with different theological backgrounds.  Bob is not only a practicing Catholic, but he has a Biblically literate and fluent Christian maturity which allows him to connect easily to the Evangelical world.

Karl is married to Charlotte who is a leader at their Mennonite church, and they are deeply embedded in the Evangelical culture.  Karl is training InterVarsity staff to use the Immanuel Approach in their ministry.

This kind of conversation between these leaders of their respective ministries is a model of the kind of work that I would love to see transpire here in New Jersey.

Below are some links to resource of the ministries of these three men.

I had never heard of Jake Khym before.  He is a Catholic therapist with a ministry called Life Restoration. 


Dr. Bob Schuchts is the founder of the John Paul II Healing Center, based in Tallahassee, Florida.  I do no know of anyone who has done more work at integrating the various models of Christian healing prayer, the Marriage and Family Therapy field, and Catholic spirituality.


I have read two of Bob's books which I highly recommend: Be Healed and Be Transformed.

Dr. Karl Lehman is a board-certified psychiatrist with 35 years of experience.  He has coined the term "Immanuel Approach" in reference to an approach to healing prayer ministry which he learned from Jesus.  Essentially, it builds on Theophostic Prayer Ministry, but instead of starting with a traumatic memory, it starts with seeking a living interactive connection with Jesus.


https://outsmartingyourself.org/  His book, Outsmarting Yourself, can be a tough read.  Karl is one of those people who gets into the weeds, the nitty gritty details.  He does not write inspirational books, but if you want to get deep into the nut and bolts of healing, he is your man.

I do feel that should give a nod to Theophostic Prayer Ministry, which is an healing prayer ministry approach coined by Ed M. Smith.  I read one of his books: Beyond Tolerable Recovery.  Theophostic Prayer Ministry is completely separate and in no way associated with any of these other ministries, but it must be stated that Karl and Bob learned a lot and built upon the work of Ed. M. Smith.
